Fall has begun and soon Winter...

This Fall has already started to be difficult for me.  My allergies are horrible and I am rarely finding time for myself. 

Classes are going great and work is fine too.  Just a heavy load.  17 credits...I just have to keep telling myself I can do this.

At least this weekend I get to go to a concert of Dubstep that should be a lot of fun.  Wow even this blog sounds tired.  Hopefully next time I write I will be a little more up beat and motivated.

Last Year Of College Semester 1

This upcoming semester is my second to last semester at college.  It is very scary.

Living at this apartment has been a very good experience so far.  The neighbors are loud and the walls are thin so that isn't great but after this semester I am going to try to find a townhouse with the two roommates I have found for next year. (Yes the cycle of roommate and house hunt will start...again...soon)  I am walking to places and as soon as I get a bike lock I can start to bike to class.  My cats are still doing totally awesome except for one deciding to spray but this stuff call Natures Miracle No More Mark Spray has been working really well, it cleans, gets rid of the smell and prevents my cat from going back to the spot.

My job at the camp was great because of that job I was able to survive on my own all summer.  It gave me huge hope that after graduation I do not have to move back home.  I think it is total crap to move back to your parents just to save up money to be on your own.  Find a job even if it isn't in your major and start building those survival skills. Sooner you start better you will get.  I am still substituting at the preschool which is great for extra money and I am going to be modeling for the Art League again which is exciting.  I really want to do some photo modeling again.  I miss it.

And I'm Off!

I am in my new place and my kitties have moved in with me.  Soon I will be sure to post pictures of them being with me in the new apartment.  

My camp job has started and I am working with 3 year olds.  They are definitely learning with every step they take it is very interesting to watch.  

So far with my photographer assistant job I have designed a few things which is awesome and I can add them all to my portfolio.  

In my class I have also designed some logos and am working on designing a Business Package.  This summer is turning out to be very lucrative for my design portfolio.

New Goals

So this summer is pretty busy working two jobs, taking a summer course and paying bills for the first time in my life, but new goals have been put into place.

1.  Finish my training for a 5K
2.  Run a 5K
3.  Start my garden on the porch.

WAY Too long since last post...Sorry

So much has happened since I last posted.  I moved into my new place.  My cats are going to be moving in within the next two weeks.  Hopefully they handle the transition well enough.  

My job at Jerry's is also ending this Friday and I will be able to go back pretty much whenever I want which is nice to know.  After that my job at the camp will start at the end of the month.  I am taking one week off to get my cats settled in and also to get my car registration taken care of.

I also got to go to Starscape 2010 it was a lot of fun my favorite part was getting my back painted.

It is totally kickass.

Also my summer classes start tomorrow and hopefully I can utilize what I learn at my photography job.  Get that guy some branding tips.

All in all everything has been going really great.  I still can't wait for my cats to be up here with me.

3 Days to go

This has been a very interesting summer break so far. I've been living at my boyfriend's place for a week now and let me tell you I need to do laundry.  So I am in  a townhouse with 4 guys and it really isn't as bad as most girls would think.  Sure the toilet paper supply runs out and then gets replenished days later but that is what the overflowing stacks of Chipotle napkins are for. And you know what it is also true that cockroaches scatter when the lights go on but they are kinda like my many mini kitchen roommates (lol).

This Saturday A and I are moving into our apartment.  My boss gave me a free TV (totally awesome of him).  I got 2 large area rugs for 30 bucks (total deal).  And my apartment people said I can bring both my cats for the price of one.  Seriously can life get much better?  I mean my cats are going to come up and live with me at school YAY!!!!!!  Also I wont have to buy a parking pass because I can walk to school or take the Cue bus.  Sure the walk will be about a half hour but that is a half hour of decent cardio.  As long as the weather is good.

Other steps to adulthood I have taken:
-Got my own renters insurance
-Building up my emergency fund and planning on getting and building an IRA

Also there is an internship on campus with the printing place in the Art building and I am going to apply.  It could be interesting.  Sure that means my first semester will be like...20 credits but hey hard work pays off.  If my work is better and I have more of it then I will be more likely to get accepted into the Fine Arts program.

End of School Year #3

This year has been a blast filled with new beginnings and new challenges to be met.  So far I have got myself a new boyfriend who I absolutely adore, A and I finally found an apartment yesterday, and we will be moving in at the end of this month.  Right now I am about to pack up my computer and leave my on campus apartment for the last time.  This feels very sad but I am still excited. Hopefully this move will be a wonderful start to the summer as I clear out the old and prepare for the new.  

I found a new Job 3 to be exact.  Jerry's I will stop going to June 15th, The photographers assistant job starts this Friday and my camp counselor job starts at the end of June.

Also this June I am taking a class for two months.

Lastly A and I found our apartment I know I already said that but still it is very important.  Yesterday we just went to this one apartment complex and applied for an apartment.  The lady is even working with me so I can bring my cats with me. She is beyond nice she is like a ray of sunshine.

So look out world here I come.  :-)

Fail take 2

Ok So now we do not have an apartment.  But we did gain two roommates.  They are two of the guys that live above us currently.  And we had a lovely viewing of a townhouse where the realtor didn't show up and didn't tell the resident that we were going to visit the house.  It was uncomfortable and horrible so we left.  The townhouse was way too nice for us.  Anyway this Thursday we are going to be visiting a townhouse that would be perfect in every way possible and we really hope things can work out with it.  Once again I ask to keep your fingers crossed.  I only have a week before we need to move in.


Finally.  A and I have an apartment.  I was so scared.  Ok well we don't HAVE it but we have applied for it and it was taken off the available listings.  So we are pretty sure that we have it.  So we will be moving in around May. It is so exciting now all we need to worry about is furniture.

Also I have a job interview this Thursday to be a photographers assistant.  And this week I will be hearing back about a job as a camp counselor at the Jewish Community Center.  No I am not Jewish but a lot of my friends are and I have been around that culture for quite a few years now.  Also you don't have to be Jewish to work there.  Which is nice since I am one of the least religious people I know. :-p

This Wednesday I am going to a TV show premiere that will have a program that I designed.  And I can mingle and network.

This Weekend I will be a hair model in a hair runway show.  I am so excited I can't wait to see what they do to my hair.  Hopefully one of my photographer friends can come.

Wish me luck on all accounts please.


Alright so the beautiful townhouse that my roommates and I could have moved into is officially not where we will be living.  Why? you ask.  Well.  The girl that would have moved in with us after T (the other roommate that bailed) left has also decided not to live with us.  So A (the roommate that is with me) and I will be looking for a 2 bedroom apartment.  So all in all there have been 4 failed roommates in this grand scheme of moving off campus.  And now A and I will just be in a 2 bedroom and I have to hope and pray that I can bring my cats with me to an apartment.  

Wish us luck we are going to see an apartment tomorrow.  Hopefully it bares fruit.

Shit Happens

I haven't been called back about a job at Sweetwater Tavern but they could still call me one day about a job.  Jerry's Subs and Pizza called and I will start working this Wednesday.  If I make enough money I may keep the job but if now I will just work there until I leave school which is May 15th.  At the least I can make enough to pay my deposit for the townhouse.

Also one of my roommate's parents decided not to support her for school and housing so she isn't moving in with us.  Unfortunately that means that once again my other roommate and I have to find a third person.  We have a really good prospect and I hope she moves in with us.  She is a friend of mine from school and it should turn out well.  I also have to talk to the landlord today about it.  I hope she doesn't mind all this.  It wasn't anyones fault and I am sure she will understand.

More job hunting...

So I may have failed to get those two internships but I have applied to:
Sweetwater Tavern
Temp Jobs

And Sweetwater Tavern has already scheduled an interview with me.  If I got that job it would be beyond perfect because it is only 5 min. from my new place.

Oh yeah if you didnt read the last post I found a house BOOYA.

Also school will be ending soon and I am going to be taking a summer course.

Apple Interview today/found a house

Alright so I had my interview with Apple today and I think it went pretty well.  They said they will schedule another face to face interview and see how it goes.  

Also there is some really big news...are you ready...MY ROOMMATES AND I FOUND A TOWNHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!   It is owned by an ex boyfriend of mine's parents and they figure it would be better to have someone they know rent the place. So we get it and no pet deposits!  It is very exciting.  Can't wait to see the inside.

Anyway back to the jobs pizza guy still no call me back.  Ummm...found a really cool sounding personal assistant job and I have a month of modeling for the Arts League again.  That is always fun.  I still am waiting to hear back from one of the camp jobs and I really hope I get one that way I can work for the lady who needs an assistant and work at a camp and then NO PIZZA. Meaning less gas money.

Until next time you crazy kids...

April 1st update (not a joke)

So this month is starting off with a little less than a bang.  Ok a lot less than a bang but at least there are possibilities.
Job hunt updates:
-Apple called back to schedule an appointment for an interview and hopefully I can get a job there.  It would be fabulous.
-Pizza job is still available if I get one of the Camp jobs.
-So the internship with Wolf Trap said NO to me.  I can still look for a job.

School updates:
-Going to go for the BFA, which means a class during the summer and next summer but I will still walk in May.
-Job instead of internship would probably be better that way they will understand that I need to go to class.
-Good bye business minor...ewww

Housing updates:
-Still hunting and we are sticking with just the 3 of us and the pets.  Screw trying to find a 4th person it is too much hassle.
-Hopefully the Realtor will find us something nice.


Look at the awesome stuff that I am on.  I got to be on a cataloge cover for a photographer.  And it was handed out at a wedding convention Yay!

Photo of me on display.

me on the cover!!!

UnNews...when you have stuff to say that is really nothing

So the house hunting is going alright.  I actually got laughed at by one rental owner because I guess he didnt think 3 students and 2 cats and a small dog would make good tenants.  Whatever he lives next to a university he should expect students to call.  Other than that I have found some decent apartments as backup.  

Oh I forgot to mention that we are down to 3 roommates now.  Yeah we had another one flake out on us.  Oh well at least the 3 of us are SOLID we are moving out of the parents places and into our own place.

As for school the Hamster project is going really well.  I designed my drafts of my covers for it.  They are really cute.  In my other classes I am not doing so well.  Luckily in college a 70% is a D so I haven't failed any of my tests or exams but I got too close for comfort.  I don't know what to do.  Studying for this business course is hard since I'm not good at memorizing abbreviations.  And Art History is also kicking my butt.  I need to be able to pay attention and take notes.  I want my lap top to work again.  Stupid viruses.

Also JOb update is that I have not been called about the job at Jerry's yet but I should be within the week. Then I can start earning some extra cash and save!!!!

Oh Lordy the year is nearly over!

It is so scary to think that in about 8 weeks this semester will be over.  I have to write 3 papers, redesign a magazine, and Study my butt off to understand Business Information Systems.  

Not to mention I would really like a coffee...hmmm.  Sorry off topic.  I would really like to be able to do my homework and pass my classes.  Not to mention get an internship.  

Did I mention last night I got a job.  At Jerry's Subs and Pizza.  I am a delivery driver I used to be one so because I have experience I was hired.  It is very EXCITING!!!!!

Still my fingers are crossed about getting an internship and I hope yours are too.  :-)

Modeling Shoot

I forgot to post that I had another shoot this month over Spring Break.  It was fun.  I was a bride for a day.  My boyfriend came with me.  He is not the one in the shot but he watched as I modeled.

WOW you've missed a log blog

All is well with me medically at present.  As for the job stuff I actually had another interview with Apple it was a large group of 30.  It was called a career seminar.  But I didn't get it.  Oh well.

Now I have also applied to another internship with Enterprise-rent-a-car.  If that goes well I should make decent money and have decent hours.  

Also I am thinking of doing Pizza Delivery again.  Stress-free job with tips.  Can't beat that.

And the Realtor has started hunting for houses.  :-)


I got my results this past Tuesday about my breast lump.  Turned out that it was benign which is good.  I was very happy about the results and at least now I don't have to worry.  

My exams for my classes that didn't have to do with art turned out not so good.  I really need to work on my studying skills.  I feel so bad about it.  At least I didn't get anything less than a D.  I had thought I did better but I was wrong.  I feel so less motivated now that school is getting closer and closer to the end.  But I need to step it up and really dig into my work especially the classes that I understand less like this business management systems course.  Hopefully I can summon the drive to do it.

Also I really hope I get a job at Apple it would help me out so much.  I have put the resume in and my friend should be able to get me a job there, it is very exciting.

A lot has happened...

Earlier I had said I had a lump found.  Well I had the biopsy on Friday and it was kind of scary.  I was definitely nervous.  But it all went well and the results will be in Monday(tomorrow).  

The Interview I had at Target Portrait Studio also went very well and they will call me if I get the job.  They had other people to interview that day besides me.  Fingers crossed everybody.

Also I got a Graphic Design Gig.  I applied for a gig I heard about through my school and the lady actually liked my designs the best.  I am so excited about it :-)   

For this semester since I have been pretty bored I signed up for the 4Paws volunteer Cat rescue.  This should be a lot of fun helping poor kitties find new homes.  It will also be good expeirience for when I sign up for the Veterinary Assistant Program.  I am looking into Penn and Foster right now.  I am planning on doing this after I graduate or during my summer.

Lastly, My mother and I mailed my grandma some wildflower seed packets to help her prepare for spring.  She has been snowed in for about 3 weeks now and is going crazy.  Before this snow she was snowed in for 2 weeks.  I think she will be happy to never see snow fall again.  Hopefully the seeds will give her something to look forward to when Spring comes.  Also the townhouse search time is coming up.  I can't wait for it to get here so I can move out on my own with my friends.


For about two months I have been applying to jobs.  I have probably applied to more than 20 jobs in the last month alone.

So while I was walking to class today, around 10:30 in the morning, I received a phone call.  It was Target Portrait Studio!  The manager then scheduled a better time to call me and we agreed upon 1:30pm.  When 1:30 rolled around I didn't get a call.  I waited and waited and finally just decided to call her, maybe she forgot.  Turns out she did forget on account a client had walked in at that time.  But she was happy I called.  So we talked and she seemed pleased to find that I had experience working with children.  And we scheduled a job interview for tomorrow at 4:20pm.  WISH ME LUCK WORLD!   I really need this job.


This weekend started with some bad news but hopefully next weekend will help it become not so bad news.  Last friday I had a breast ultrasound and the doctor found a lump that is almost an inch (long or wide I dont know I was too shocked to ask).  So this upcoming Friday I will be having a biopsy done to see if the tumor/lump is cancerous or benign.  If it is benign than it is most likely fibroadenoma.  So that is what I am hoping for.  

I know my brother will probably read this and say I am being ever so slightly melodramatic posting something like this but it is my blog diary thing and I like to think of it as my digital memory keeper.  So there!


What to do what to do?   So far the job hunt has still yielded no fruit.  I finally got an email back from one of the places I applied to and they said they would keep my resume on file, which is good.  At least that was a graphic design place.  I would really like to be able to have a job to go to and earn money so I could save up for when I get a place this May/June.  

I am actually so desperate for a way to earn money I was considering making crafts and things to sell on etsy.com.  All I need is a plan and a product.  I was thinking of prints of my art or even my art on t-shirts.  I thought that would be cool.  Problem is I would need money to actually go after those endeavors which requires a job...this sucks.


As I said I was going to do in a previous blog.  I went to Katsucon.  It is an anime convention near DC.  It was a lot of fun.  The best part was getting to wear my costumes.
My main costume designed and created by me.

Me and my friend with the guy who helped write POWER RANGERS!

Me before the rave part of the convention

10-20 Inches...

Tomorrow, the weatherman predicts, we will be getting between 10-20 inches of MORE SNOW.  This needs to stop it is getting dangerous for everyones health.  Cabin fever makes people do stupid things.  School is also cancelled again.  I want to go back to my classes.  My poor late tuesday class has been cancelled twice now and it only meets once a week.

Today I was denied being a stock logo maker on iStockphoto.com. To the right you can see my 3 logo submissions. It is okay though in either 3 days or 3 weeks I don't remember I can re-submit and basically try again.  I also applied for another job and another internship.  Maybe one of these will bare fruit.  I really hope so.

Found more awesome houses that are in our price range but unfortunately need to be rented out before may/june.  I really hope we are lucky enough to find a great place like that when we are in full scale house search.


Look at this! the amount of snow we got today was ridiculous. It was actually up to our thighs.

Here I am so bundled up I resemble Kenny from South Park.

This is a snow we had last Tuesday. We thought that was a fun snow? It was only 5 inches. Right now we have going on 28 inches.

Me Playing in the 5 inch snow earlier this week. The bench I am standing on was actually so slippery that when my friend came over to help me down I slipped and accidently head-bumped her. It hurt pretty bad.

Me getting a picture with the pretty snow.

Well I hope you all enjoyed my snow day pictures. And I hope this 28 inches of snow goes away fast.

Feel much better

I feel so much better now. I think I was mostly downish because the dishes weren't done but I just went ahead and washed all the dishes and the kitchen. Hopefully my girls-night-in tonight will go well because that would be awesome and just make my snow-filled-boring day.

Snow and more Snow

This is the second time this week that it has snowed. This is the third time this college year it has snowed and for this weekend we are expecting up to 28 inches in snow. I hate snow and I am going to be stuck in my apartment for pretty much all weekend. Maybe I should have gone home. Oh well too late now. I think we are already up to half a foot and my car is really far away.

As for the job hunt no one has called or emailed me back...because of the snow?...I don't know. House hunting has been put on a little hold since it is more like torture seeing perfect places go by because it isn't the right time for us to get them. I even signed up on this Free Lance graphic design site called iFreeLance. It is really cool but I feel like I am a mino swimming in a pool of sharks eating all the gigs. Hopefully someone hires me for a gig at some point. It would be really nice. I told myself I would not use this site to rant on and look at me that is exactly what I am doing right now. Ugh...no one wants to hear this shit...maybe I should just hibernate for the weekend.

A New Month...

Job Hunt: I have applied to even more jobs. I have asked a t-shirt design company to consider hiring me as an intern. I applied to Plaza Art Supplies, and to be a Newborn Photographer at the hospital.

School: Homework has been going ok. I haven't gotten an A on anything yet :-( Hopefully that will change. I finally finished my Magazine Mash-up and I just had my critic of it. Wasn't quite as good as I thought it was. It can still use some work. I am trying my best to fix as much of it as possible. Hopefully my second try will be a lot better.

Other than that I haven't been home in a while, two months, and I am starting to miss my family and my pets.

Update on school, stress relief activity of the semester, house hunt, and job hunt

Well, this semester so far has been really good. Only 14 credits gives me more free time to job hunt and house hunt as well as get myself into shape and maybe a bit of my life together. Hopefully the extra time doesn't just make me more lazy.

Today I got some things to organize my very little living space on campus, which I hope works. Also have been finding a good number of people to help in the house hunt which will go into full throttle in May and June. The job hunt is already in full throttle but I have been less diligent about it. I know that is very bad. Job hunting is so nerve racking. I just need to suck it up and send out those resumes. So many people have given me hints at where to apply and I also need to follow up on the photography place that I applied to.

As for the stress relief activity for the semester I am going to Katsucon. I even made up my own character to go as. No dressing up as someone else's character for me! Mostly I picked to do this to save money. All in all it should be really fun.

Thats all for the update on all categories hope to type back soon!

Bad Start

The day started with me walking into my Writing for Artists class LATE. I was very upset. I can't start this habit again. Not to mention I was late because I twisted my ankle walking down the last step of the stairs and fell. I looked like an idiot.

Yesterday was much better though. My boyfriend brought me to a pet store and there were so many cute puppies there. Especially the little bulldog puppy that was a girl. She was so cute I just wanted to save her from that cage. If only I could but that would not be possible at this time in my life. I really hope that puppy gets a good home.

Horrendous Homework


To be frank I have all but ran out of money this month. This is caused by me thinking my wig buying was in budget. Turns out that one of the magazines I had to buy this month for my editorial design class was $25. That is CRAZY! I really hope my teacher does not make me buy magazines like this too often or I am not gonna be a happy camper in that class. The magazine itself is very nice I have to admit. It is one that was probably costly to print which explains the cost to buy. The Cover is a beautiful photograph. The inside pages are full of creative ideas and expensive, antique inspired clothes. I would say it is a magazine that is for women with money to spend and a creative mind to utilize. But that is my homework for tonight to look through the magazine and guess it's demographics. Then I have to go to the magazines website and see if I was right. Maybe ya'll should check out the magazine too it is www.selvedge.org.


Today I went to the mall with the intention of applying to one photo studio and then found out that they were not hiring because they were actually laying off people. But one of the ladies there was nice enough to point me in the direction of another studio that was hiring. I went in and was able to not only apply but talk to the manager for a bit. I have really high hopes at getting hired but of course I know that I have to be realistic and hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I am still keeping my fingers crossed that I will get the job :-) Who knew my nanny experience would be seen as a benefit?



Started new semester today

I started my last semester as a Junior. Oy, the idea of being a Senior next year is crazy. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the carefree life of high school but I know that it is better to move forward. Soon I will even be turning 21 which is just weird. It seems like yesterday I was 7 and looking through the mixed drink menu at Carlos O'Kellys and saying that when I turn 21 I would have a Blue Parrot drink. I still plan on doing that. Not that I actually think it will be awesome but to please my childhood memory. I just finished all my new classes and I don't know how I feel. My business minor seems like it is going to be really hard and my major requires a Writing for Artists class which will force me to look at myself as an artist. I am kind of glad for it. I will be forced to look into myself and find what kind of artist I am. I know I am happy to start classes and I am happy to try and move off campus next year. I just feel lost somewhat.

Viewed an Apartment

Today I went and viewed an apartment. Well it was actually a townhouse run by an apartment complex. It was very nice. To me it seems more like a back up plan though than an actual place that it at the top of my list. Also the price ended up being a lot higher than I thought. The internet quotes deceived me a bit. But the search will go on and I will hopefully be able to find a great townhouse/house/apartment that is affordable for everyone and allows pets.

Back to School

Well I am back at my school. Still on the search for a job. Will probably be calling about job applications tomorrow. Hopefully there will be something.

Other than that today has been a long day of packing, moving, and blah.


I really made some headway today. A Realtor actually emailed me back! It was awesome. Apparently this guy has a place available that is a townhouse with 4 bedrooms in it and the lease for the people who currently live there is up in July. He is going to be emailing me in a couple of months on what the current tenants plans are after the lease. I personally hope they are seniors and they will want to move out. But lady luck has not always been on my side. I have also found a house that is for rent and right off my campus. It is a 4 bedroom with one bath. It is a very small place but I think it would do just fine. I inquired about it and am waiting for a response. I also looked at all the apartments around the area and made an appointment to see one. I read all the online reviews for it...not good. But I figured it would be good to look at a crappy one and see how they sell it. With that information I might be able to smell out the bad against the good.

Well wish me luck with the continued search for a place and a job.

Understanding my Generation

After naming my blog A GenY on Her Own I figured I should read up on the subject. My search started at Wikipedia but it was too basic of information. So I narrowed my search down by typing in 'generation y characteristics'. This lead me to the article at this link. It is all about the work priorities among other characteristics of GenY. I found it very interesting how much of that article applied to me.

Above I have also posted a cartoon for Generation Y. I just thought it was funny. Also I am planning on creating a header for my blog and I was planning on using this cartoon for inspiration.

So far the market for affordable and rent-able townhouses in the Burke, VA/Fairfax, VA areas are not very good. But I will keep my eyes open and hopefully I will be able to find a place not to mention a job by June.

The First Step

I am starting the second half to my junior year at college. Parents telling me I need to find a job in my field or an internship. I just applied to one internship that would be perfect for me and my fingers are crossed that I get it.

What I want from this blog is a place to write about my journey into adulthood. The goals that need to be accomplished before the adulthood status is met are as follows:

Job: A job that pays enough for me to be independent of my parents (unless crisis ensues)

Living Space: Either my own apartment or a place with roommates where I am free from being in my parents nest.

Cats: A place that will let me have my kitty babies live with me. So I am not depending on my parents to care for and house my cats.

All this will take time and I plan on writing about my search for a place to live, a job and my work to graduation.

I am in search of a place to live for me and 3 roommates in the Fairfax, VA area surrounding George Mason University. Anyone have helpful hints?