UnNews...when you have stuff to say that is really nothing

So the house hunting is going alright.  I actually got laughed at by one rental owner because I guess he didnt think 3 students and 2 cats and a small dog would make good tenants.  Whatever he lives next to a university he should expect students to call.  Other than that I have found some decent apartments as backup.  

Oh I forgot to mention that we are down to 3 roommates now.  Yeah we had another one flake out on us.  Oh well at least the 3 of us are SOLID we are moving out of the parents places and into our own place.

As for school the Hamster project is going really well.  I designed my drafts of my covers for it.  They are really cute.  In my other classes I am not doing so well.  Luckily in college a 70% is a D so I haven't failed any of my tests or exams but I got too close for comfort.  I don't know what to do.  Studying for this business course is hard since I'm not good at memorizing abbreviations.  And Art History is also kicking my butt.  I need to be able to pay attention and take notes.  I want my lap top to work again.  Stupid viruses.

Also JOb update is that I have not been called about the job at Jerry's yet but I should be within the week. Then I can start earning some extra cash and save!!!!

Oh Lordy the year is nearly over!

It is so scary to think that in about 8 weeks this semester will be over.  I have to write 3 papers, redesign a magazine, and Study my butt off to understand Business Information Systems.  

Not to mention I would really like a coffee...hmmm.  Sorry off topic.  I would really like to be able to do my homework and pass my classes.  Not to mention get an internship.  

Did I mention last night I got a job.  At Jerry's Subs and Pizza.  I am a delivery driver I used to be one so because I have experience I was hired.  It is very EXCITING!!!!!

Still my fingers are crossed about getting an internship and I hope yours are too.  :-)

Modeling Shoot

I forgot to post that I had another shoot this month over Spring Break.  It was fun.  I was a bride for a day.  My boyfriend came with me.  He is not the one in the shot but he watched as I modeled.

WOW you've missed a log blog

All is well with me medically at present.  As for the job stuff I actually had another interview with Apple it was a large group of 30.  It was called a career seminar.  But I didn't get it.  Oh well.

Now I have also applied to another internship with Enterprise-rent-a-car.  If that goes well I should make decent money and have decent hours.  

Also I am thinking of doing Pizza Delivery again.  Stress-free job with tips.  Can't beat that.

And the Realtor has started hunting for houses.  :-)


I got my results this past Tuesday about my breast lump.  Turned out that it was benign which is good.  I was very happy about the results and at least now I don't have to worry.  

My exams for my classes that didn't have to do with art turned out not so good.  I really need to work on my studying skills.  I feel so bad about it.  At least I didn't get anything less than a D.  I had thought I did better but I was wrong.  I feel so less motivated now that school is getting closer and closer to the end.  But I need to step it up and really dig into my work especially the classes that I understand less like this business management systems course.  Hopefully I can summon the drive to do it.

Also I really hope I get a job at Apple it would help me out so much.  I have put the resume in and my friend should be able to get me a job there, it is very exciting.